

论文编号:FZ005 论文字数:10092.页数:18


关键词:消费心理; 女装终端零售; 男导购

Abstract:China‘s accession to the WTO, many international brand of women’s continued access to the domestic market, making the domestic women‘s retail sector isfacing enormous challenges.With the social development of people’s consumer attitudes and behavior are gradually changing, from the beginning of the pursuit of the quality of the product itself began to change in the pursuit of value-added products (such as service quality, store environment, and clothing on display, etc.) In order to face the retail industry of China‘s women’s shocks from the foreign markets , to adapt to the new era of consumer demand, the domestic women‘s retail sector is also changed, from simply the pursuit of the traditional sales of goods to the stores now for the environment, atmosphere and quality of service high-quality. Among these changes is to play a critical role in the retail terminal personnel, and the future competitiveness of key women’s terminal is also the competitiveness of retail staff terminal. This article is based on consumer psychology, combined with the retail women‘s status and trends of development in order to Hangzhou to study the local brands, for men guide women in the domestic retail role in the exploration and study, the women’s final for the local brand retail terminal provide some reference.

Key words:Customer psychology; Women terminal retail market ; Male salesman

目 录



目 录3

一 引言4

二 研究背景4

(一) 女装市场的特点4

(二) 导购的作用5

(三) 影响导购作用的相关因素7

三 探究性别对女装终端零售的影响8



四 验证性调研分析10

(一) 问卷设计和调研10

(二) 问卷数据整理分析11

(三) 总结12

五 实际案例的分析13

六、总 结14



致 谢15


