


摘 要


关键词:社会工作 和谐社会 助人自助


Social Work was taken to the historical height and established as the central file‘s form in The Communist Party of China’s 16 sixth plenary sessions. It explained social work was playing the very vital role in the construction of socialism harmonious society process, and became the important component of the harmonious society constructs. To develop and advance social work has manifested the entire society to the specific stage demand promotion, is an aspect of carrying out the scientific development concept to grasp highly comprehensively, also is the demand of constructing the socialism harmonious society. Social work‘s value idea is helping the one to help himself. It take promotes the social progress and to guard the social justice as the goal, that’s to say, it respects the value and the dignity and pursues society’s fair and the unjustness. This is consistent with harmonious society “humanist” idea. This paper takes the literature collection as the main research technique. It from social work‘s essence and function embarking, taking how to construct the socialism harmonious social as the starting point, proved that the social work play an influential role in the construction socialism harmonious society’s to solute society operational mechanism in unharmonious note by using the unique values, the work technique and the implementation skill. At the same time, the paper enables the social work the function to highlight and manifests social worker‘s value under the spirit of the age. This will certainly be advantageous in adjusting and adapting person’s social compatibility. It will also promote the person’s full scale development, prevent and the solute society question, maintain the social stability, and promote society harmonious development.

Keyword: Social work; Harmonious society; Help one to help himself

目 录

摘 要…………………………………………………………………Ⅱ


引 言…………………………………………………………………1




(二)社会工作与社会主义和谐社会的通性 ………………………5


(一)解决社会问题,维护社会稳定 ………………………………7


(三)实现社会公平公正,共享社会成果 ……………………………9

(四)协调人与社会的全面发展,促进社会和谐 …………………10


(一)增强政府和社会成员对社会工作的认同感 …………………12

(二)走中国特色的社会工作之路 ……………………………………13

(三)建立专业化、职业化的社会工作人才队伍 …………………13



致 谢 ………………………………………………………………17
