




Abstract:Paper is a specially processed by the extremely thin small fibers intertwined with each other firmly by the formation of thin-fiber thin-film material. On paper, it is none other than the basic composition, it is vegetable fiber. In broad terms, any plant with fiber all the raw materials can be used for paper, but not all plants in nature can be used to manufacture paper-wide. On the current terms of the plant fiber used in papermaking or limited, this is because as the paper-making plant fiber raw materials, must have the following conditions: (1) plant fiber pulping must facilitate dissociation; (2) plant fiber higher content of cellulose, lignin content, such as less; (3) meet the requirements of strength and toughness; (4) is rich in resources, lower cost and other factors. However, only the formation of cross-cutting plant fiber paper, there is a non-uniform density distribution, the surface is not smooth, highly absorbent and so on, can not be used in the printing. In order to overcome these drawbacks, in the manufacture of printing paper and paper when the culture by adding an appropriate amount of additive must be such as packing, plastic material and pigment to make the paper to achieve a certain degree of performance indicators and quality requirements. To improve the smoothness of paper and non-transparency, the need to increase use of paper pulp filler; In order to make the paper water-resistant performance, must be carried out on pulp size; white copy paper system, they often have to add a small amount of dye used, if necessary, brightener, etc. can be added. In this paper packing, plastic material properties of paper: anti-surface sizing of paper capacity, the oil permeability, can be rubbed and strength; loading paper whiteness, opacity, smoothness, strength, song thickness and the effects of stiffness.

Keyword: Filler; Sizing materials; Smoothness; Opacity

目 录

中文摘要 I

英文摘要 II

目录 III

1、 绪论1

1.1 前言1

1.2 研究目的及意义1


2.1 胶料对纸张性能的影响3

2.1.5 表面施胶对纸张性能的影响5

2.2 填料对纸张性能的影响7


3.1 实验准备12

3.2 实验过程及步骤12


4.1 总结20

4.2 展望20

致 谢22

