

论文编号:YY377 论文字数:7784.页数:25

摘 要
关键词: 《围城》,文化词;异化;归化

This paper aims to explore the translation strategies of culture-loaded words in Fortress Besieged. Based on the comments of the novel Fortress Besieged written by Qian Zhongshu and its English version translated by Jeanne Kelly and Nathan K. Mao, the paper classifies the culture-loaded words in Fortress Besieged and analyzes the translation strategies with detailed examples. In conclusion, the paper finds that the two translators have employed foreignization as the main translation strategy and domestication as the supplementary strategy; these two strategies seem to be contradictory on the surface, but complementary in essence; and the proper combination of foreignization and domestication can help keep the unique Chinese culture in the translated version and make the westerners better perceive its profound meaning.
Key words:Fortress Besieged; culture-loaded words; foreignization; domestication

1. Introduction1
2. Fortress Besieged and its English version2
2.1 Brief introduction of Fortress Besieged and its author2
2.2 Comments on the English version of Fortress Besieged3
3. Analysis of the culture-loaded words in Fortress Besieged5
3.1 Definition of culture-loaded words5
3.2 Classification of the culture-loaded words in Fortress Besieged6
4. Translation strategies of the culture-loaded words in Fortress Besieged10
4.1 Introduction to foreignization and domestication10
4.2 Application of foreignization in Fortress Besieged translation11
4.3 Application of domestication in Fortress Besieged translation14
