

论文编号:YY277 字数:6848.页数:23,有开题报告,任务书,文献综述
摘 要

This paper first summarizes and analyzes the previous research achievements of multimodal discourse analysis. And then combines some relative theories of semiotics and network languages to analyze the multimodal discourses used in the MSN chatting language of the students in universities. This paper collected 30 groups of MSN chatting language data. By analyzing the collected data, I attempt to find out the rules and characters of the multimodal discourses used during the MSN chatting and how they help people, especially the students in the universities, to accomplish their emotional communication.

Keywords:multimodal discourse; research; MSN chatting language

1. Introduction1
2. Literature Review on Multimodal Discourse and Theoretical Framework Analysis2
2.1 Study Abroad2
2.1.1 Semiotic Theories of Saussure and Peirce2
2.1.2 Theories of Social Semiotics3
2.1.3 The Multimodal Discourse Framework of Kress and Leeuwen3
2.2 Study at Home4
3. Language on the Internet7
3.1 Definition and classification of Language on the Internet7
3.1.1 Definition of the Language on the Internet7
3.1.2 Classification of the Language on the Internet8
4. Multimodal Discourse Analysis to MSN Chatting Language10
4.1 MSN Language Data Collection10
4.2 Calculation and Classification of Multimodal Discourse in the MSN Language Data11
4.3 Specific Analysis to the MSN Language Data14
4.3.1 Category One: Language, Color, and Font15
4.3.2 Category Two: Image, Flash, Number and Emoticons15
4.3.3 Category Three: Video, Music, and Hypertext18
5. Conclusion20
