

论文编号:YY262 字数:5138.页数:17,有开题报告,任务书,文献综述,外文翻译译文

The Approaches to Leading Backward Students
in English Learning

Abstract: This thesis first introduces the definition of backward students and analyses backward students’ features in junior high school. Backward students are not born in poor English. There are several causes that contribute to their lagging behind. Then this thesis discusses these causes: society factor, family factor, school factor and self-reason. Finally, it suggests some effective approaches to how teachers lead backward students in English learning, such as the cultivation of good habits, the necessitation of peer tutoring and the creation of effective learning environment.
Key words: approaches; backward students; English



目 录

1. Introduction1
2. Analysis of backward students2
2.1 Definition2
2.2 Characteristics of backward students in junior high school2
2.2.1 Psychological features2
2.2.2 Behavioral characteristics3
2.2.3 Comparison of high achievement and low achievement students4
3. Causes of backward students4
3.1 Society factor4
3.2 Family factor4
3.3 School factor5
3.4 Self-reason6
4. The approaches to leading backward students in English learning6
4.1 The improvement of backward students’ motivation to learn6
4.1.1 Using praise effectively6
4.1.2 Rebuilding confidence7
4.1.3 Arousing study interest8
4.2 The cultivation of good habits9
4.3 The necessitation of peer tutoring10
4.4 The creation of effective learning environment10
5. Conclusion10
Works Cited11
