

论文编号:YY292 字数:9981.页数:29,有开题报告,任务书,文献综述

摘 要


A Clean Well-Lighted Place is a representative of Hemingway's short stories, which has fully reflected Hemingway's shrift and concise writing style. Metaphors in the text not only contain profound meanings in theme but also have close relation with its textual coherence. After prolific investigations into metaphor over the past few years, the focus of metaphor research has shifted from lexical and syntactical levels to textual level. In terms of cognition, metaphor is a kind of thought, as well as a way of constructing text and recognizing the whole world.
The textual cognitive function of metaphor is involved in the thesis and conceptual metaphors are employed in textual analysis of Hemingway's short story A Clean, Well-lighted Place. In the first place, relevant studies that have been done both home and abroad upon A Clean, Well-lighted Place will be collected and summarized, among which the most representative ones will be listed. In the second place, a general review on studies of metaphor will be made and discussion about its mechanism and vital function in achieving textual coherence will be brought forth and presented in detail. In the third place, great attention will be paid to metaphor A CLEAN, WELL-LIGHTED PLACE, moreover, some other important elements in the basic metaphor, such as THE SHADOW OF LEAVES, LATE and DARK. By discussing their metaphorical features and their textual function, their deep meanings are explored. A CLEAN, WELL-LIGHTED PLACE, the core of extended metaphors in the story serves as an implied line that connects the whole text and plays an indispensable role in accomplishing the textual coherence in A Clean, Well-lighted Place.
The purpose of this thesis is to apply the contemporary theory of metaphor to analyze the coherent functions of metaphors in A Clean, Well-lighted Place. Based on patient analysis, the conclusion is that metaphor, as a means of constructing a text, occupies a chief position in the short story. Therefore, it is of great significance in understanding and investigating into Hemingway's works.

Keywords: metaphor; textual coherence; A Clean, Well-lighted Place

1. Introduction 1
2. Literature Review of Studies on Hemingway's A Clean, Well-lighted Place2
2.1. Studies Abroad2
2.2. Studies at Home3
2.3. Summary5
3. Mechanism and Textual Function of Metaphor6
3.1 Mechanism of Metaphor6
3.1.1 History of Metaphor Research6
3.1.2 How does Metaphor Work?7
3.1.3 A Definition of Metaphor10
3.1.4 Conceptual Metaphor11
3.2 Textual Function of Metaphor11
3.2.1 Cognitive Features of Metaphor and Textual Coherence11 Projection12 Interaction 12
3.2.2 Semantic Features of Metaphor and Textual Coherence13
3.3 Metaphor Features and Metaphor Interpretation14
3.4 Summary15
4 Textual Function of Metaphors in A Clean, Well-lighted Place16
4.1 Metaphor "A Clean, Well-lighted Place" 16
4.2 Metaphor and Textual Coherence 21
4.5 Summary24
5. Conclusion25
