

论文编号:YY280 字数:7953.页数:27,有开题报告,任务书,文献综述

摘 要
因此,本文将从语用学的角度对委婉语进行分析,提出当人们在交流过程中有时刻意使用委婉语,实际是对于“合作原则”的违背,从而达到“使对方感受到你的友善”的目的。委婉语的使用就是对于“合作原则”的违背和对“礼貌原则”的维护。为了验证这一假设,作者将先分析语用学中可以被用来分析委婉语的语用原则,然后再通过对实例进行具体分析,实例将按照Neaman & Silver对于委婉语的11种分类分别进行分析。

关键词:委婉语;语用学;合作原则;礼貌原则;Neaman & Silver

The word “Euphemism” originated from Greek. With the prefix “eu” meaning fine, favorable or nicely-sounded, and “pheme” meaning speech, the word as a whole conveys the meaning of proper or felicitous speech. As an indispensable part of English vocabulary, euphemism has received an incessant attention from people and constant study from linguists.
During the last few decades, many scholars have made various studies of euphemism from different aspects, which were so brilliant that they are still cherished these days. However there still exist some limitations in terms of completeness and depth of the studies. The previous studies are confined to the level of rhetoric and sociolinguistics. The linguistic phenomenon of euphemism itself is focused on, whereas the motives of the speaker’s using euphemism is to some extent neglected. People seldom make language communication without specific purposes. In order to achieve their purposes, they usually adopt some linguistic means and methods, which are inclusive of euphemisms. Therefore, it’s real need for us to study euphemism from the perspective of pragmatics.
Therefore, this thesis tries to analyze euphemism from the pragmatic perspective and propose a hypothesis that when people use a euphemistic expression in communication, they choose not to cooperate, for they want to show their politeness to other person. They tend to use euphemism is to violate the cooperative principle and maintain the politeness principle. In order to verify this hypothesis, the author first discusses the pragmatic principles that can be used to analyze the euphemism and then offer a pragmatic analysis of euphemistic examples which are labeled according to Neaman & Silver’s classification.

Keywords:euphemism; pragmatics; cooperative principle; politeness principle; Neaman & Silver


1. Introduction1
2. Literature review on euphemism3
2.1 Definition and classification of euphemism3
2.1.1 Definition of euphemism3
2.1.2 Classification of euphemism4
2.2 General review of the study on euphemism5
2.3 Pragmatic study on euphemism6
3. Pragmatic analysis of euphemism8
3.1 The cooperative principle and euphemism9
3.1.1 The violation of the maxim of quality10
3.1.2 The violation of the maxim of quantity11
3.1.3 The violation of the maxim of relevance12
3.1.4 The violation of the maxim of manner12
3.2 The politeness principle and euphemism13
3.2.1 Face theory13
3.2.2 The politeness principle14
4. Pragmatic analysis of euphemism on the basis of Neaman & Silver’s eleven categories17
4.1 Parts of the body: forbidden territory17
4.2 Parts of the body: neutral territory18
4.3 Blood, sweet & tears: secretion, excretion & bathrooms18
4.4 The seven deadly sins & sundry peccadilloes19
4.5 Sickness: fear & trembling19
4.6 Death20
4.7 Crime & punishment20
4.8 Sex: amateur & professional21
4.9 Placement & outplacement: the word of work21
4.10 The language of government: bureaucratese and urbababble22
4.11 The game of war: the players, the props, the strategies22
5. Conclusion24
