

论文编号:YY259 字数:6771.页数:19,有开题报告,任务书,文献综述,外文翻译译文

Feminine Rebellious Consciousness in Jane Eyre
from the Analysis of the Male Characters

Abstract:Jane Eyre is an autobiographical novel written by Charlotte Bronte. This essay will systematically focus on the three male roles’ life changing, which can also show the author’s feminine rebellious consciousness. The three male roles in this book come from the author’s life. This thesis will analyze the three male characters in Jane Eyre and their archetypes, by combining the author’s life experience and social background in the nineteenth century, to illustrate the feminine rebellious consciousness which is reflected through the male rolls’ fate changes.
Key words:male characters; life experience; fate changing; feminine rebellious consciousness



1. Introduction1
2. Mr. Brockleburst2
2.1 Mr. Brockleburst in Jane Eyre2
2.1.1 Cruel hypocrite2
2.1.2 Fate changing3
2.2 Mr. Brockleburst in life3
2.2.1 Rev. Carus Wilson4
2.2.2 Mr. Brockleburst and Rev. Carus Wilson5
3. Mr. Rochester5
3.1 Mr. Rochester in Jane Eyre6
3.1.1 Rich control freak6
3.1.2 Inability to control his own life7
3.2 Mr. Rochester in life8
3.2.1 Constantin Heger8
3.2.2 Mr. Rochester and Constantin Heger8
4. St. John9
4.1 St. John in Jane Eyre9
4.1.1 Handsome, cool and loyal cleric9
4.1.2 Refusal from Jane10
4.2 St. John in life11
4.2.1 Henry Nussey11
4.2.2 St. John and Henry Nussey11
5. Conclusion12
Works Cited13
