

论文编号:LY031 附开题报告,任务书,文献综述,外文释文, 论文字数:10274,页数:09


Abstract:With the development of tourism in Hangzhou, tourists on tourism are becoming increasingly important brand improve. As a representative of the West Lake, Hangzhou, through establishing a good brand, now being rapidly adopted in various ways at home and abroad, improve the visibility and influence. Hangzhou’s tea culture has a same glorious past, but now only represented as Longjing tea brand, is only limited purchasing power, but not tea Driven cultural tourism development. The development of tea culture tourism, on the need to establish a new and more easily accepted and loved by tourists brand, so brand meijiawu tea culture came into being

关键词:前景;阻碍; 日本茶道; 融合;

Keyword: Prospects; hinder; Japanese tea ceremony; integration;


摘要 1

Abstract 1

一 引言 2

(一)国内茶文化旅游研究现状 3

(二)国外茶文化研究现状 3

二 梅家坞的发展前景及阻碍其进一步发展的因素 3

(一) 梅家坞茶文化村旅游资源特色与优势 3

(二) 阻碍梅家坞进一步发展的因素 4

(三) 如何解决现有的问题 5

三 借鉴日本茶道的模式 6

(一) 吸收日本茶道文化精髓 7

1.日本茶道精神 7

2茶室和茶具 8

3茶事活动 8

参考文献: 9
