

论文编号:LY032 附开题报告,任务书,文献综述,外文释文, 论文字数:12826,页数:11


Abstract: In the resent years, the growth of new media has a great effect to the traditional popular media, such as TV, newspaper, magazine and broadcast. The traditional popular media can no longer satisfy the youth and the high educated midlife people. This situation compelled the tourism, which relied on the traditional popular media for drumbeating, to make relevant regulation. The power of new media is enormous already and increscent still. In order to develop the tourism, if we can make better use of the power of new media and let new media offers to the drumbeating, such as, exploit the popularity of the tourism products, exploit the market of the tourism products, and grow on the client, it is no doubt that the result must be somewhat we all hoped.

关键字:旅游业; 营销; 新媒体; 携程网

Key words: tourism; drumbeating; new media; ctrip


摘要 1

Abstract 1

引言 2

一、旅游业的营销与媒体发展 2

(一)旅游宣传促销的目的 2

(二)现行旅游营销的主要形式及其不足 3

(三)旅游业发展各阶段的营销方式及未来发展趋势 3

二、从携程网的成功看新媒体的良好的适应性及可能带来的问题 4

(一)何谓携程网。 5

(二)新媒体较传统媒体在营销中的显著优势,以携程为例: (附表二) 5

(三)携程网的发展及对整个旅游行业的推动 8

(四)携程网成功的启示 8

(五)新媒体应用于旅游业营销可能存在的问题 8

三、将新媒体应用于旅游业营销活动中去以促进旅游业发展的对策 9

(一)建立网站进行旅游宣传促销。 9

(二)网络广告营销 9

(三)博客及bbs营销 10

(四)手机营销 10

(五)车载电视营销 11

四、结语 11

参考文献 11
