

论文编号:LY024 附开题报告,任务书,文献综述,外文释文, 论文字数:11543,页数:13


Abstract:This article is based on employee satisfaction which takes the hotels in Hangzhou area for example. Through the data come from the questionnaire, we find several factors which affect employee’s satisfaction of job. This article probe into the representations in human resource management in hotel industry of service profit chain, Maslow’s demand theory and so on. By comparison of concepts of human resource management in world famous hotel groups, we draw a conclusion that our hotel should put more effort into culture in company, humanistic management concept and inner personnel relationship which lead to increase of employee satisfaction and loyalty.

关键词:员工满意度; 企业文化; 人力资源

Keyword: employee satisfaction; organizational culture; human resource


摘要 1

Abstract 1

引言 2

一、员工满意 3

(一)员工满意的含义 3

(二)员工满意与服务利润链 3

(三)员工满意与人力资源管理 4

(四)员工满意对酒店的意义 4

二、影响员工满意度的因素 4

(一)理论依据 4

(二)问卷调查 4

(三)数据分析 5

三、员工满意的构成 6

(一)从需求角度分析员工满意 6

(二)从管理角度分析员工满意 6

(三)从营销角度分析员工满意 6

(四)从文化角度分析员工满意 7

四、实现员工满意的策略 7

(一)全方位评估 7

(二)公平的薪酬体系 7

(三)进阶式培训 8

(四)职业生涯规划 8

(五)内部公关协调 9

(六)有效沟通 9

(七)平等友善的合作关系 9

(八)开放的企业环境 10

(九)创造性的企业文化 10

五、总结 10

参考文献: 11

附:酒店员工满意度调查问卷 12
