

论文编号:CKZS010 论文字数:35690,页数:117 附CAD

摘 要




These designed allotment area for 12 square kilometers,Yearly Output ninty trillion. Allotment intrinsically ocurrence of coal seam compare stabilize,coal seam pitch eight-twelty acid,average coal thick 4m,integrally nature condition compare simplicity, Both methane and carbon dioxide content relatively high, and neither do inflow of water no large either. On the basis of Preliminary Design,said shaft opt in adopt three vertical shaft fluctuate mountain exploitation,coal seam grouping band region fluctuate mountain co- disposal ‘mode of opening,design adopt comprehensive mechanization full-seam mining stopper art,incline longwall method,treat goaf with whole straddle alight law from actual geologic information instance proceed allotment exploit and stand-by mode. The Preliminary Design of the both both combine versus mine haul, shaft exaltation, shaft drain and ventilation of mines isopuant systemic equipment lectotype count,as well as versus shaft technical safety measures and environmental protection claim,complete wholly shaft. Both shaft whole realize mechanization,adopt advanced techniques and use for reference afterwards realize high yield highly active modernization shaft ’experience,realize one mine not both high yield highly active shaft thereby run up to favorable economic benefit and social benefit.

Keyword: Vertical shaft, incline length wall, full-seam mining, comprehensive mechanization, high yield highly active

目 录

目 录1

1 矿区概况及井田地质特性2

1-1 矿区概况2

1.2 井田地质特征6

1.3 水文地质10

1.4 其它开采技术条件:13

2 矿井储量、年产量及年限15

2.1 井田境界15

2.2 井田储量15

2.3 矿井年储量及服务年限20

3 井田开拓21


3.2 井田开拓21

3.3 井筒特征27

3.4 井底车场30

3.5 开采顺序及采区回采工作面的配置41

3.6 井巷工程量和建井周期44

4 采煤方法47

4.1 采煤方法的选择47

4.2 采区巷道布置及生产系统47

4.3 回采工艺设计54

5 矿井运输、提升及排水60

5.1 矿井运输60

5.2 矿井提升68

5.3 矿井排水81

6 矿井通风与安全技术措施90

6.1 矿井通风系统的选择90

6.2 风量机算及风量分配91

6.3 全矿通风阻力计算95

6.4 扇风机选型100

6.5 矿井安全技术措施103

7 矿山环保106

7.1 矿山污染源概述106

7.2 矿山污染源的防治107



