

论文编号:CKZS021 论文字数:44098,页数:107 附CAD


摘 要


关键词:煤矿 矿井初步设计 煤与瓦斯突出矿井 立井开拓 高产高效矿井

Preliminary Mine Design for No.3of Zhengzhou Mining Group in Henan Province


This preliminary mine design is for No.3 of Zhengzhou Mining Group in Henan Province. The design is based upon No.3 the actual nature term and geology at present, whose average thickness is ten meters high, methane concentration is high seam is prone to self-ignite and whose capacity is medium. The design adopts the vertical shaft method with two-level up to expand and down to expand the mine plus fully mechanized mining method for the whole seam district for preparation. The design mainly details upon the development pattern, preparation pattern and mining method and transportation, drainage, hoisting, ventilation and water discharge are also described and calculated for production system. complete wholly shaft. Both shaft whole realize mechanization,adopt advanced techniques and use for reference afterwards realize high yield highly active modernization shaft ’experience,realize one mine not both high yield highly active shaft thereby run up to favorable economic benefit and social benefit.

Keywords:Coal mine Preliminary mine design High-gas protrusion Vertical shaft for development
