


摘 要


关键词: 民国;林纾;历史评价;心理


Lin Shu is a well-known translator and ancient literary writer of modern Chinese .He translated many Western works of classic literature and promoted Western humanistic ideas’ spreading in China. However, because of its opposition to the revolution and doubts about total Westernization, he has been labeled as "feudal remnant" for a long time. In recent years, some scholars tried to rehabilitate Lin Shu , but they merely took off an unjust hat on his head, changed it to the evaluation of “ pre-advanced, post-backward”. They didn’t take depth study of Lin Shu of the psychological causes of such acts. Therefore, this article seeks to use some theories and methods of psychology to explore the basic formation of his thinking and behavior. Lin Shu’s thinking and behavior does not coincide with the so-called “pre-advanced to the post-backward transformation”. In different historical periods, his overall thought is characterized by consistent, while the advanced or backward only appear in different social conditions, reflecting different aspects of his thought. This Shows in order to be closer to historical truth ,the evaluation of a historical figure should include not only the behavior analysis but also the research of psychology and other subjective factors.

Key words: pubilc of China;Lin Shu;the evaluation of History;psychology

目 录







致 谢(12)
