

论文编号:GY018 论文字数:14133.页数:25

摘 要






With the global economy to speed up the integration process, the manufacturing level of the manufacturing plant has become a business-to-market adaptability and ability to participate in market competition key,So how to improve production management, to create a good model of production, improve efficiency, reduce costs, reduce wastage of great significance.

Production management system of enterprises set up and operation of the management of the general term, also known as production control, lean manufacturing is an important foundation for the implementation of components. Production and processing of the layout and production workshops to improve study of the beat, you can balance the production line, so that the production line in a more harmonious flow, making them more conducive to meet the needs of customers.

In this paper, the first issue of the research background, significance and production management at home and abroad to improve the status of research and put forward lean production methods, and explained its meaning and essence. The plant through existing equipment and production lines in-depth understanding of a balanced approach to the use of the production line process analysis of its research and analysis and implementation, aimed at a better design of the assembly process to increase overall production efficiency.

KEYWORDS:Produce management ,Lean Production ,Standardized management


第一章 绪论1

第一节 选题的背景和意义1

第二节 研究的主要内容1

第二章 生产管理的相关理论3

第一节 生产管理的概念3

第二节 生产管理中的七大浪费3

第三节 构建完善的生产管理系统4

第三章 精益生产的理论及知识6

第一节 精益生产的产生和推广6

第二节 精益生产和大批量生产方式的比较9

第三节 精益生产管理的实施10

第四章 精益生产在东文文具厂的应用研究14

第一节 精益生产对车间生产的现状分析14

第二节 精益生产对车间生产的改善分析17

第五章 结论和展望20


致  谢22
