

论文编号:GY040 论文字数:15685.页数:29





The production line balanced state is a target which the production configuration enterprise pursues, The enterprise produces usually appraises an assembly line with the equilibrium ratios this quantification target the balanced height, And it decides the enterprise equipment use factor to limit the production line productivity enhancement to a certain extent. This article systematically briefed the balanced state to the enterprise assembly line vital role and the equilibrium ratios principle and the computation; Has collected the massive correlation datas and the document material using oneself in rather the Pouch beautiful electron enterprise practice opportunity, Elaborates the foundation industrial engineering to balance the assembly line in the enterprise the vital role, And aims at some questions which in the enterprise exists to explain how uses the procedure analysis to solve the working procedure flow not to be unreasonable, Solves between the man-machine reasonable union problem with the operational analysis , Seeks “the economical movement” with the movement research and the elaboration both hands work benefit, With the model law determined the standard work time as well as through enhances the essential working procedure productivity, Achieves the production line balance the goal. Moreover the paper also briefly and to the point introduced “the visual management” the technical convection water line balanced importance. Caused the professional the assembly line which was still widespread to the nowadays is in vogue to make the further ponder and the optimization from the different angle.

KEYWORDS::Production Line Balancing Simulation optimization

procedure analysis Visualization Simulation

目 录

第一章 前言1

第二章 生产线平衡与系统目标分析2

第一节 生产线平衡的定义2

第二节 生产线平衡的原理2

第三节 生产线平衡的意义与目的3

第四节 生产线平衡的最终目标4

第三章 生产线平衡的手段与方法6

第一节 程序分析6

第二节 操作分析10

第三节 作业分析11

第四节 动作分析12

第五节 目视管理与生产线平衡13

第四章 生产线的现状问题分析及改善15

第一节 生产线的现状及问题分析15

第二节 企业生产线平衡优化改善对策19

第三节 改善后的效果确认20

第五章 结论22


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