


摘 要


关键词: 离散数学 计算机科学 数学哲学 能动作用


This paper first introduced the concept of philosophy of mathematics and the concept of the dynamic role and focus on the philosophy of mathematics, for example, introduced in the fuzzy math of computer science in the development of a major role in the process. Then give a brief description of the computer science and discrete mathematics concepts, an analysis of the philosophy of mathematics in computer science and focus on three main aspects of the impact analysis of the foundations of mathematics, for example the Discrete Mathematics in Computer Science major applications including: Mathematical Logic in Computer Science Application; Cartesian product in the application of computer science; combination of algebraic systems in mathematics and Boolean algebra in computer science applications; graph theory in computer science applications; the form of language and automata in the application of computer science. Then discusses the philosophy of mathematics in computer science of the impact of four major areas: computer development branch of mathematics; computer for some contribution to the ancient disciplines; computer methods the contribution of the philosophy of mathematics; computer method of contribution to the study of mathematics. Part IV analyzes the philosophy of computer science in applied mathematics. Finally, a brief summary of the relationship between the two.

Keywords:Discrete Mathematics; Computer Science;Philosophy of Mathematics;dynamic interaction

目 录




第一章 前言 1

第二章 数学哲学对计算机科学的影响 3

2.1 数学思想对计算机科学发展的影响3

2.2 构造性与非构造性数学与计算机科学的关系4

2.3 基础数学在计算机科学中的应用4

2.3.1 数理逻辑在计算机科学中的应用4

2.3.2 笛卡尔积在计算机科学中的应用4

2.3.3 代数系统组合数学和布尔代数在计算机科学中的应用5

2.3.4 图论在计算机科学中的应用5

2.3.5 形式语言和自动机在计算机科学中的应用5

第三章 计算机科学对数学哲学的影响6

3.1 计算机对数学分支发展的贡献6

3.2 计算机对一些古老学科的贡献6

3.3 计算机方法对数学哲学的贡献6

3.4 计算机方法对数学研究的贡献7


第五章 结论 10


