


摘 要


关键词:公务员 层次分析 数学模型 Matlab

A purchase car decision model of civil servant based on analytic hierarchy process


The article construct a range of target system to evaluate the combination property of cars and porpose a purchase car decision model of civil servant based on analytic hierarchy process.Based on a variety of factors in the analysis of civil servants in the course of the purchase of cars,combine with the actual situation of purchasing cars by civil servants in Ninghai.In this paper,construct a pairwise comparison matrix based on the statistics and analysis of purchasing cars by civil servants in Ninghai.We obtained the largest eigenvalue and combined with Matlab to test the the largest eigenvalue.Verify that whether the matrix has the satisfying consistency and to ensure the reliability of the matrix,calculate the weighting that the various factors relative to the upper ones.Finally ,combine the evaluating data of the three models’factors and the weighting that the factors relative to the general objevtive to analyze the combination property of the three car models.Also work out the priorities of choosing the model and obtain some conclusions and explanations.Provide the benchmark for civil servant to decide the combination property of cars when purchasing.

Keywords:civil servant; analytic hierarchy process;mathematical model; Matlab

目 录




第一章 前言1

第二章 AHP层次分析模型 2

2.1 层次分析法的基本原理2

2.2 层次分析法的优点2

2.3 层次分析法的步骤3

2.3.1 建立递阶层次结构3

2.3.2 构造判断矩阵4

2.3.3 相对权重的计算7

2.3.4 层次单排序以及一致性检验10

2.3.5 层次总排序以及一致性检验20

第三章 公务员购车实例分析23

第四章 结果分析24



附录I 《影响购车决策因素的重要性调查问卷》27
