


摘 要




关键词: 万能寿险 保险市场 保险投资

The universal life insurance originated from U.S.A.It offers the flexible property of combing the protection and investment,which is focused by many people.There is a development history of more than 20 years in U.S.A in the universal life insurance.It is an important life insurance in Europe an America.China Pacific Life insurance company firstly introduced the concept of the universal life insurance to our insurance industry.After Ping An insurance company issued a life insurance product of universal type in 2004,this product was promptly fashionable.In 2005,the share of this product is about 50%in Ping An insurance company.

It is a historic necessity for China to develop the universal life insurance.On the one hand,it can target to the potential market.On the other hand,it can cater for the increased different need of the consumers.So it has favorable prospects for future growth.But it is a pity that the universal life insurance brings many problems,which hinder its development.How to solve these problems is necessary for its long-term development in China.

In this article, we discuss.Some constructive solutions were found to solve these problems,including exterior environment.these will be helpful to the future development of universal life insurance in China. In the end,the prospects ofuniversal life insurance in China were also discussed.

Keywords:Universal life insurance;Insurance market;Insurance investment

目 录




第一章 万能寿险产生的背景 1

1.1 国际原因1

1.2 国内原因1

1.3 问题的提出2

第二章 万能寿险的产品分析 3

2.1 万能产品的特点3

2.2 国内万能寿险产品分析3

2.2.1 平安智富人生终身寿险(万能型,A/B)产品分析3

2.2.2 实例解说6

第三章 目前万能寿险市场存在的问题和原因7

3.1 信息披露制度不成熟7

3.2 万能寿险投资渠道还比较狭窄7

第四章 万能寿险投资问题解决对策8

4.1 拓宽保险资金投资渠道8

4.2 建立专业化投资人才队伍8

第五章 万能寿险在国内的发展前景9

第六章 结论10

第七章 本文的不足之处11


