
《哈克贝利芬历险记》— 儿童心理的充分展现

论文编号:YY301 论文字数:4251.页数:11 附开题报告


The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn is the masterpiece of well known critical realism literature founder Mark Twain. It’s considered as the greatest literary achievement America has yet produced. This book deeply attracts readers from one generation to another by its idiographic artistic enchantment. The humor style, Huck’s brave rebellious spirit, beautiful scene of the mighty Mississippi River, straightforward spirit of colony pioneer, and the mythos of seeking for freedom are all captivating to people without exception. Until now, most of the analyses on The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn are commonly in terms of social politics angle. But the analyses on Huck’s psychology are scarce. In any case the success of this book is most based on the full display of children’s psychology. There is vivid representative of children and it is portrayed successfully by accurately analyzing and full depicting of characters’ inward world. The relater of this story named Huck is innocent, adventurous and down to earth. He is a common child, but he has idiographic character. And it’s success base on the excellent delineation of children’s psychology to some degree. This thesis shows Mark Twain’s excellent techniques to fully display children’s psychology in The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn.
Key words: Children’s Psychology; Display; Analysis

The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn,Full Display of Children’s Psychology


Thesis Statement: This thesis will focus on how the author grasp the inward psychology world of children and blend it into specific environment and sequentially full display the colorful children’s world. The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn is one of the most famous works of Mark Twain.

I. Introduction
A. Background: The high place of children’s psychology in The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn
B. Purpose of This Thesis: to explore the techniques Mark Twain used to display children’s psychology.
II. Excellent Techniques Mark Twain Used to Display Children’s Psychology
Delineating the Scenery Which Contrasted with Characters’ Psychology
People with different classes, different ages, and different characters have different attitudes toward nature. Mark Twain vividly describes various natural scenes to reflect the idiographic feeling of Huck.
Veracious Social Environment to Serve for Contrasting Effect
Children can’t live without society, but they are deeply affected by it. And their reaction will strongly reflect their feeling to the society. The author gives us a picturesque picture about the colorful social environment to give us a firm evidence of Huck’s psychology.
Inner Activity Contrasting Between Different Characters
People’s psychology is different from each other. Mark Twain
compared Huck with adults and other children to full display children’s special psychology.
Accurate Description of Psychic Conflicts
Drastic social contradictions can not only cause inner conflict of adult, but also cause that of children. Author accurately displayed Huck’s psychic conflicts by showing great social contradiction.
The Vivid Description of Huck’s Lie
The author veraciously and artistically reproduced the children’s psychology which include lie in the novel. Huck’s psychology of lie was reproduced fairly and logically. And it’s the indispensable element for the achievement of strongly artistic impression.
F.Inimitable Humor and Language of Children Made the Novel Much More Interesting and Extraordinarily
Mark Twain’s language and humor not only completely show the characteristic of children, but also display Huck’s special identity and psychic peculiarity.
III. Conclusion

《哈克贝利芬历险记》— 儿童心理的充分展现......