

论文编号:YY366 论文字数:8818.页数:29

Teachers’ Roles in Task-based Language Teaching in Primary Schools in the City of Shenzhen

Abstract: This research investigates the English teachers’ roles in primary schools in Baoan, to see what roles that English teachers apply in the primary schools, how they play the roles in the Task-Based Language Teaching method? What’re the demerits in playing roles? In order to conduct this investigation, I went to the English Class Giving Competition held in Dong fang English School in Baoan, to observe the classes giving by representative teachers from different schools. This competition is held to the requirement of New Curricular and New Concept, most of the teachers choose to use Task-based Language Teaching method, which is right the topic I am going to discuss about.
There are six parts in the research: the first two chapters are about introduction and literature review, which introduced the background of the research, the research questions and the experts who have written related topics. The third part is methodology, with the information of research participants, context, instruments and data collection in details. The next two chapters are to show the research result and are based on the collected data, making a further discussion. In these two parts, I analyze the questions in general, with tables and two illustration shows. In the last chapter, I make a general conclusion and give some practical suggestions for teachers’ roles in the TBLT background, hoping to enrich our knowledge in this field.
Key Words: teachers’ roles, Task-Based Language Teaching, primary English

摘 要 本论文研究的是宝安区的小学英语教师的角色问题,看她们在小学英语教学中扮演什么样角色,如何在任务型教学中定位角色,以及角色扮演中所遇到的问题。宝安在3月份刚好开展“新课标,新理念”的讲课比赛,为了更好地开展调查,本人到宝安区的西片赛区――东方英文书院,观察课堂教学。这些老师都是各校的代表,精英教师,很好地学习过任务型教学理念,很适合作为本论文的研究对象。
关 键 词 教师角色,任务型教学,小学英语

摘 要i
Chapter One Introduction1
1.1 TBI in China1
1.2 The Background of Task-Based Language Teaching2
1.3 Role3
1.4 Teachers’ Roles in the Traditional Teaching Mode3
Chapter Two Literature Review4
2.1 TBLT Abroad4
2.2 TBLT in China7
2.3 Teacher’s Role7
2.4 Teacher’s quality9
Chapter Three10
Methodology in TBLT and Teachers’ Roles in Primary Schools10
3.1 Research Participant11
3.2 Research Context12
3.3 Research Instrument12
3.4 Data Collection13
Chapter Four Results14
4.1 Table One Teachers’ Positive Roles14
4.2 Table Two Teachers’ Negative Roles15
4.3 Table Three Teachers’ Qualifications16
4.4 Table Four TBLT Method as Perceived by Teachers16
4.5 Table Four A - TBLT Method as Perceived by Students positively17
4.6 Table Four B - TBLT Method as Perceived by the Students negatively18
Chapter Five Discussions19
Chapter Six Conclusions23
