

论文编号:YY368 论文字数:9053.页数:28

摘 要 本论文旨在通过对李白的《长干行》及其三个英译本的研读,在比照和欣赏中学习中诗英译的技巧,试析庞德(Ezra Pound)、许渊冲和小畑熏良(S. Obata)译本的各自得失。
关 键 词 唐诗;英译;李白;长干行

On Three Translations of Li Bai’s Changgan Xing

Abstract: This research studies three translations of Li Bai’s well-known poem Changgan Xing, produced by Ezra Pound, Xu Yuanchong and S. Obata respectively. The aim is to explore the strengths and weaknesses of those translations, and to learn translation skills through appreciating and comparatively studying both the original text and the translations.
As there is no universally accepted interpretation of poetry, the question of what constitutes successful poetry translation should be approached with sensitivity and openness. The author believes that each theory, principle or strategy can make its own contribution to the translation of the poem, and welcomes the “diversity” of translation.
Keywords: Classical Chinese poetry, translation, Li Bai, Changgan Xing
1.1 A Brief Introduction to Li Bai3
1.2 The Background of Changgan Xing3
2 Literature Review5
3 Appreciation of the Three Translations8
3.1 General Outline of the Original Text8
3.2 The Title9
3.3 The Structure and Rhyme10
3.4 The Tone and Diction11
3.4.1 The Tone Decides the Diction11
3.4.2 The Diction Alters the Tone12
3.5 The Image13
3.5.1 Images of similar culture14
3.5.2 Images of different culture16
4 The Limitations and Breakthrough of the Three Versions21
4.1 In terms of Equivalence21
4.2 In terms of “Three Beauty”23
4.3 “Best for Whom?”25
5 Conclusion26
