

论文编号:YY386 论文字数:6121.页数:20

摘 要
本文首先阐述了中国古诗词翻译一直以来所遵循的“三美”原则:即意美、音美和形美,同时论述了“三美”原则之间的相互关系;然后对李煜《虞美人》原作在作背景、表达情感等方面进行了分析,以许渊冲、徐忠杰两位译者的英语译本为例,分别从音美、意美、形美的角度,对两个译本各自的优缺点进行了对比分析;指出许渊冲、徐忠杰两位译者在翻译李煜《虞美人》作品时所遵循的翻译原则和采用的翻译策略,并得出翻译诗歌时要保持原作的艺术魅力,就要尽可能地遵循“三美”的原则 。


This paper first explores the definition of three beauties which is the principle of ancient Chinese poetry translation and points out that it is composed of beauty in sense, beauty in sound and beauty in form. Furthermore, the author also analyses the inter-relationship among the three beauties. On the basis of analysis of the original background of Li Yu’s Yumeiren and expressed emotions, the author makes a comparative study on the different English versions of the two translators, Xu Yuanzhong and Xu Zhongjie from the perspectives of “Three Beauty” principle. And pointed out the advantages and disadvantages of the two translation versions. It finally discusses the principles and translation strategies the two translators have followed when they translate Li Yu’s Yumeiren and come to a conclusion that in order to maintain the original charm of the art, it is necessary to follow the principle of three beauties.

Keywords:Li Yu’s Yumeiren; English versions; three beauties; translation principle


1. Introduction1
2. Principle of Three Beauties2
2.1 Principle of Three Beauties2
2.2 Interrelation4
3. Introduction of the original5
3.1 Historical Backgrounds5
3.2 Expressed emotion5
4. English versions6
4.1 Comparison from beauty in sense6
4.2 Comparison from beauty in sound9
4.3 Comparison from beauty in form10
5. The two translators' principles12
5.1 Xu Zhongjie's principle12
5.2 Xu Yuanzhong's principle12
6. Conclusion14
