

论文编号:YY310 论文字数:4328.页数:13


English teaching has been introduced into China for more than 100 years, and it develops rapidly both in theories and in practices. However, vocabulary teaching has been neglected for a long time. Although the macro area of vocabulary teaching is drawing much attention gradually, senior high schools’ vocabulary teaching still has many problems because of the limited classroom time. In fact, vocabulary teaching takes a very important part in senior high schools’ teaching processes. This paper makes a brief analysis of the problems that exist in teachers’ teaching, and recommends some ways to solve some of the problems. In order to awaken Chinese students' sub-consciousness in vocabulary learning, this paper gives some suggestions to make students take active part in the teacher's teaching processes. Besides it uses some educational concepts and the experience observed in the mini-lessons so as to introduce some interesting vocabulary teaching methods. It aims at improving the teaching efficiency of vocabulary, or cultivating a way of students to learn positively with their interests. Although there are many teaching objects and reference books in the market, students still can’t overcome some difficulties of vocabulary. So the last object of this paper is to introduce a systematical way of learning vocabulary.
Key words: vocabulary; teaching; students; problems; senior high school

Brief Analysis of Vocabulary Teaching in Senior High Schools


Thesis Statement: Vocabulary teaching plays a significant role in English teaching, so this paper briefly analyses problems which exist in English vocabulary teaching. Then this paper advices some useful teaching methods to teachers so as to improve the efficiency of senior high schools’ vocabulary teaching.

Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Description of the Problems
Confusing the Primary with the Secondary
Lacking Language Environment
Neglecting the Culture Background
Ⅲ. Some Solutions
Aids to Object Teaching
English Explanation
Language Environment Teaching
Pleasurable Interaction
Ⅳ. Conclusion
