

论文编号:YY273 字数:9686.页数:29,有开题报告,任务书,文献综述

摘 要
英语词汇中名转动词的使用非常普遍。国内外学者针对这一现象进行过许多的研究,主要是从以下三个角度进行的:语义学角度,语用学角度,认知学角度。目前的研究大多着重于从理论上揭示名转动词的原理和深层机理,忽视了学生在习得方面的探究。而本文以Clark & Clark对英语名转动词的分类为理论依据,以实证研究为基础,探析大学生英语名转动词的习得能力,并根据研究结果分析影响学生正确使用英语名转动词存在的障碍,从而为名转动词习得策略提供依据。本研究提出并回答了三个研究问题:1.大三学生是否已习得名转动词?2.目前习得状况如何以及英语专业和非英语专业使用状况的区别?3.何种因素影响名转动词的使用?结果表明:大三学生会潜意识地使用名转动词,但结果并不令人满意;学生使用名转动词的意识较低,非英语专业使用名转动词的能力低于英语专业;教学方法,文化,隐语因素等影响了名转动词的正确使用。

The usage of denominal verbs in English is quite pervasive, which attracts a number of scholars both at home and abroad. The studies done by these scholars are mainly generalized into the following three aspects: the perspective of semantics, pragmatics and cognitive linguistics. These studies attach great importance on the study of theories and in-depth mechanisms of denominal verbs, however, they ignore the explorations in students’ acquisition of denominal verbs. Based on Clark & Clark’s classification of denominal verbs, this paper attempts to explore college students’ competence of acquiring English denominal verbs on the basis of empirical data with the purpose of analyzing the obstacles existing in the use of denominal verbs correctly among college students and helping teachers design the teaching strategies of denominal verbs. Three research questions are proposed and answered: 1. Do junior English major and non-English major students have acquired denominal verbs? 2. What is the status quo of those students in acquiring denominal verbs and is there any difference between English major and non-English major students? 3. What factors influence their applying denominal verbs correctly? The results indicate that: junior students could apply denominal verbs subconsciously yet with unsatisfactory result; their awareness of using denominal verbs is weak and non-English major students are inferior to English major students in applying denominal verbs; factors such as teaching method, culture, and metaphor influence the accuracy of students’ utilization of denominal verbs.

Keywords:denominal verbs; acquisition; empirical research


1. Introduction1
2. Introduction of denominal verbs2
2.1 Definition of denominal verbs2
2.2 Classification of denominal verbs2
3. Literature review of denominal verbs7
3.1 Studies abroad7
3.2 Studies in China8
3.3 Comments on the previous studies9
4. Methodology10
4.1 Subjects10
4.2 Research instrument10
4.3 Data processing11
5. Research results and analysis12
5.1 Research results12
5.2 Analysis of the research results20
5.3 Pedagogical implications25
6. Conclusion26
