

论文编号:YY298 论文字数:4644.页数:18


Radio news listening is a traditional means of English learning and has been widely applied by English learners in China. With the advance of technology and the advent of digital products such as MP3,It has been possible for radio news to be listened again and again, thus the positive role of radio news in English learning becomes more obvious than ever.
Based on L2 acquisition theories and cognitive psychological theories, the paper analyzes the reason for why some Chinese students are plagued with listening study, the positive role of radio news listening in improvement of overall English level in aspects of increasing the sense of language, enlarging vocabularies and broadening background knowledge, strengthening the capabilities of speaking and writing.

Keywords:Radio news listening; L2 acquisition theories; Cognitive psychological theories; Positive role; Overall English level improvement

Studies on the positive role of news listening in English learning


Thesis Statement: This paper analyzes the reasons for sense of inadequacy in English listening felt by Chinese English leaner, proposes a number of strategies for listening and proves the positive role of news listening in English learning.

I. Introduction
II. Reasons for a sense of inadequacy of many Chinese English learners when confronted with listening study
A. Deficiency in phonetic knowledge
B. Lack of vocabularies and background knowledge
C. Lack of listening skills
III. The positive role news listening plays in English Learning
A. Standard for English learners to intimate
B. Informative and widely-ranged to enlarge English learners ’vocabularies and broaden their background information
C. Conducive to improvement of speaking and writing
IV. Listening skills of news listening
A. Paring
B. Memory process
V. Conclusion
