

论文编号:YY274 字数:11075.页数:27,有开题报告,任务书,文献综述

摘 要
本文通过选取我国古典四大名著之一的《水浒传》出现的粗话、脏话。并选取了沙博理的《亡命水泊》(Outlaws of the Marsh)作为《水浒传》英译本展开讨论,主要针对其中出现的粗语、脏话进行对比分析。通过用功能对等理论对小说中的粗语脏话进行实例翻译初探。文章首先分析脏话的运用对小说的文学性的贡献,然后指出小说中的典型脏话的分类和语言特征,接着对其翻译方法进行初步探讨,通过对两个不同英译本的对比分析,指出各自在脏话翻译中的优劣,并对脏话的翻译提出自身的见解和改进。 脏话作为小说原作的有机组成部分,出自某些人物之口的诅语、粗话、脏话,无论原话有多“粗”、多“脏”,它们正是小说人物心理活动、情绪变化的照,也是表现人物性格的重要手段之一。本研究试图以功能对等理论为主轴,通过直译、 意译等翻译方法,对小说中的脏话进行初步的探究和实践。


This paper will study the foul language in “Shui Hu Zhuan”, one of the Chinese four classical works. Compared with English version “Outlaws of the Marsh” translated by Sidney Shapiro. In view of the foul language which appears in the novel, guided by the theory of functional equivalence, a study is made on the foul language translation in the novel. Firstly, the thesis will make an analysis of the significance of foul language in literature. Secondly, the thesis will cite typical examples and their linguistic features. No matter how “dirty” it is, foul language betrays the characters’ social status, upbringing and personality. Under the guidance of the theory of functional equivalence, translating skills such as literal translation, free translation and other translating skills will be discussed.
Keywords:Shui Hu Zhuan; foul language; functional equivalence


1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………….1
2. Review of Previous Studies on Foul Language and its Translation……………....2
2.1 Definition and Classification of Foul Language2
2.1.1 Definition…………………………………………………………………………..2
2.1.2 Classification………………………………………………………………………3
2.2 Previous Studies on Foul Language and its Translation4
2.2.1 Study in China……………………………………………………………………..4
2.2.2 Study Abroad………………………………………………………………………4
2.3 Constructive Study on the Stylistic Features of Foul Language.5
3. Functional Equivalence and Foul Language Translating…………………………8
3.1 Review of Nida’s Functional Equivalence…………………………………………..8
3.2 Functional Equivalence in Translating Foul Language from Chinese into English9
4. Translation of Foul Language in “Shui Hu Zhuan”……………………………...12
4.1 Analysis of Pragmatic Functions of Foul Language in “Shui Hu Zhuan”12
4.2 Translation of Foul Language in “Shui Hu Zhuan”14
4.2.1 Literal Translation……………………………………………………………..…15
4.2.2 Free Translation…………………………………………………………....…….19
4.2.3 Omission…………………………………………………………………........…21
