

论文编号:YY360 论文字数:6276.页数:21


摘 要 合作学习是一种富有创意和实效的教学理论。该理论源于美国,目前很多国家的课堂教学都采取了这种教学理论。合作学习是指不同水平的学生在小组或团队中为了完成共同任务,有明确责任分工的互动性学习。这种学习方式能使学习者互相促进,共同提高学习质量。本文主要研究合作学习的历史,相关的文献,理论基础和基本要素,教学中可能出现的问题以及通过教学案例,分析了小组合作学习在我国特殊的英语课题教学中所起到积极的作用。后说明小组合作学习中存在的一些不足之处,期待教育工作者对合作学习做进一步的探讨和研究。
关 键 词 合作学习,英语教育,小组合作

A Study of Cooperative Learning in English Teaching

Abstract: Cooperative learning is a creative and effective teaching approach which has been proved by many researches. It originated in the United States and is now widespread in many countries in the world. In cooperative learning, students work with their peers to accomplish a shared or common goal. The goal is reached through interdependence among all group members rather than working alone. This study mainly consists of four parts. The first part is a general introduction to cooperative learning, including the history, the theoretical background, the major models and the key elements of cooperative learning. The second part recommends some practical strategies to apply cooperative learning in English teaching class. The third part illustrates the implementation of the cooperative learning in English teaching class and analyzes the result of the implementation based on a case study while the last part raises some issues for further discussion.
Keywords: Cooperative Learning, English Teaching, Group Work

摘 要1
1.1 Historical Background2
1.2 Research Purpose and Significance3
2 Literature Review4
2.1 A Brief History of Cooperation Learning4
2.2 The Current Research Status5
2.3 The Theoretical Bases6
3 Major Models & Key Elements of Cooperative Learning8
3.1 Group Investigation-An Inquiry Model8
3.2 Student Teams Achievement Divisions8
3.3 Jigsaw9
3.4 Learning Together10
3.5 Basic Elements of Cooperative Learning10
4 Implementing Cooperative Learning11
4.1 The Size of the Groups11
4.2 The Forming of the Groups12
4.3 The Duration for the Team to Stay Together13
4.4 Methods to Disband the Groups13
4.5 Methods to Overcome Resistance to Group Activities13
4.6 Methods to Deal with Groups Finish before Other Groups14
5 Research Report of Implementation-A Case Study14
5.1 Setting and Method14
5.2 Results:15
5.3 Analysis:16
5.4 Suggestions:17
6 Conclusion18
