


Economic globalization more and more become the trend of the worldeconomic development at present. In this trend, the MNCs(MultinationalCorporations) play the role of the motive power and the accelerator. TheMNCs, with both national and local characteristics,arrange their production andmanagement in the whole world. Host countries welcome and pay close attention tothe tactics of management localization which is more and more important tothe MNCs. Along with our enterprises go out of doors,and carry out multinationalmanagement,we can refer to and apply for this tactics, actively dissolveourselves in the trend of economic globalization.The thesis consists four chapters.   Chapter one mainly discusses the background of the MNCs taking thelocalization tactics,including the change of the relationship between the MNCs andhost countries,the environmental difference of multinational management,theoperation cost of MNCs in host country and the supporting theories.Chapter two discusses the main ways of localization tactics .Includingpurchase localization, market localization, circulate necessary funds localization,employee localization,R&D localization and enterprises culture localization.Chapter three discusses the influence of MNCs localization to thehost countries, including the positive influence, the negative influence,and how thehost country deal with these influences.Chapter four begins with analysis of the present problems duringmultinational management,we can use and apply for localization tactics forreference to develop our FDI.