

论文编号:RN017 论文字数:8725,页数:19


摘 要


关 键 词:汽轮机冷端系统;胶球;低加;改造;应用


Title: Hakusan 300MW Thermal Power Unit Co., Ltd.Rubber Ball system and retrofits of low-drain system.


In this paper, Hakusan Co., Ltd.300MW Steam Turbine Thermal cold end system as an example. Discusses the full range of plastic ball system does not receive the ball heat load causes and reasons for the high condenser. Scientific research of the cold end system optimization. System for the rubber ball not receive the ball. Condenser-side difference larger. Not one level of low gravity drain system. Critical issues remain open drainage One by one taken effective measures and means On the rubber ball system and the low-drain system on a large scale transformation. Solve the problems of steam turbine cold end of the two issues. Difference lower condenser. Low-drain system can be achieved step by step in the high gravity load. To improve turbine efficiency and the promotion of new technology has obvious practical and economic significance.

KEY WORDS: Steam turbine cold end.,Rubber ball.,Low plus.,Transformation.,Application

TYPE OF THESIS: Application.

目 录

1 绪论----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1

2 白山热电有限责任公司胶球系统改造--------- ------ -------------- -------------- ---------3

2.1 胶球系统改造的概述及背景----------------------------------- ------------ - -- ----3

2.2 胶球系统改造的分析及改造要点----------------------------------------------------------3

2.3 胶球系统改造的具体措施-------------------------------------------------------------------4

2.4 胶球系统改造后的效果------------------------------------------------------ --------------6

3 白山热电有限责任公司低加疏水系统改造------------------------------------- ---------------7

3.1 2号机低加疏水系统改造的概述及背景---------------------------------------------------8

3.2 2号机组低加疏水系统存在的问题---------------------------------------------------------8

3.3 2号机组低加疏水系统改造的具体措施--------------------------------------------------9

3.4 2号机组低加疏水系统改造的工程规模及主要内容------------------- --------------10

3.5 2号机组低加疏水系统改造后效果---------------------------------- ------ --------------11

3.6 2号机组低加疏水系统改造后存在的问题-----------------------------------------------12

4 300MW汽轮机冷端系统改造的结论---------------------------------------------------------13

5 致谢--------------------------------------------------------------------------------15

6 参考文献-----------------------------------------------------------------------------16
