

论文编号:GY020 论文字数:26635.页数:34

摘 要





For retail businesses today relying on economies of scale to achieve benefit has been difficult, for today‘s retailers. Only lower costs in order to be more competitive, enterprises can benefit from. And saving energy is the focus of contemporary society. Then there is a general look into enterprise products and technology, concern them in environmental performance, but often overlooked the other more important issues. That is, whether the Green enterprise, Enterprise supply chain is efficient. A successful supply chain is the cornerstone for enterprise development, a green supply chain will be the future low-carbon economy in the industry.

This article outlines the development trend of the retail business, retail business development for the future can have an approximate understanding. Second, the problems encountered on the retail business conducted analysis showed that retailers often due to management not the costs. And through the people’s practice of green supply chain management found application is able to resolve the problems encountered by retailers. Green supply chain management is an integrated throughout the supply chain to consider the environmental impact and resource efficiency of the modern management model, can be said that green supply chain, retailers can not only solve the cost problem and can solve the retail business is a matter of concern for environmental protection . Also adopted the "Wal-Mart," the implementation of green supply chain management to confirm the implementation of green supply chain management can be a good solution to the cost of retail enterprises. Finally the problems of green supply management in China retail industry and a reasonable solution to the problem are discussed.

KEYWORDS:Retail,Supply Chain Management,Supply Chain Management


第一章 引言1

第一节 选题背景1

第二节 选题意义4

第三节 研究内容与研究方法5

第二章 国内外绿色供应链管理研究综述6

第一节 绿色供应链管理的发展及内涵6

第二节 绿色供应链管理绩效评价研究视角8

第三节 绿色供应链管理战略决策研究视角9

第四节 绿色供应商管理研究视角9

第五节 绿色供应链管理战略实施影响因素与障碍研究视角9

第六节 绿色供应链管理与零售业关系研究视角11

第三章 绿色供应链管理的实施过程13

第一节 制定绿色供应链的计划环节13

第二节 绿色供应链的采购环节13

第三节 绿色供应链的制造环节14

第四节 绿色供应链的交付环节15

第五节 绿色供应链的逆向物流15

第四章 沃尔玛的绿色供应链管理实施16

第一节 沃尔玛的发展理念16

第二节 绿色供应链的三大目标17

第三节 5年期绿色供应链规划18

第四节 绿色包装倡议19

第五节 沃尔玛绿色供应链管理对我国零售业的启示20

第五章 我国零售业绿色供应链管理的对策23

第一节 我国零售业绿色供应链管理的现状23

第二节 我国零售业绿色供应链管理存在的问题25

第三节 我国零售业绿色供应链管理的对策25

第六章 总结29


致  谢31
