


摘要: 由稻曲病菌(Ustilaginoidea virens)引起的稻曲病,近年来在主要稻区普遍发生,不仅直接影响水稻稻谷的产量,由稻曲病菌产生的毒素也影响着稻米的品质,而且对人们的健康也构成直接的危害,近年来随着杂交粳稻等感病品种的推广,土壤肥力水平的提高,致使稻曲病的发生面积及发病程度都有所上升,在某些地区甚至造成严重的经济损失。因此稻曲病已成为稻米粮食安全的重要问题。利用随机扩增多态性DNA ( random amplified polymorphic DNA , RAPD) 初步分析了稻曲病菌的群体遗传结构。从81个随机引物中筛选10个扩增带型清晰、重复性好的引物, 对采自浙江诸暨、嘉兴、武义、金华、桐庐、杭州、富阳、温州的等水稻种植区的8个菌株进行扩增,10个引物共扩增出84条带, 引物对来自不同稻区的菌株扩增的DNA 谱型基本相同。但是受限于群体数量,上述结果尚不能明确分析稻曲病菌的遗传稳定性和时空分布对稻曲病菌变异的影响。但是本实验探索了采用RAPD研究稻曲病菌群体结构的可用性,为进一步较系统地分析浙江省稻曲病菌系的遗传变异及群体结构特点奠定基础。

关键词: 稻曲病; Ustilaginoidea virens; RAPD; 群体结构

Ustilaginoidea virens diversity of the preliminary analysis

Abstract: Rice false smut caused by Ustilaginoidea virens have takenplacegenerally in main rice area in recent years. Rice false smut not only affect the output of paddy, but also influence the quality of the rice because Ustilaginoidea virens can produce toxin. At present reports about the pathogenesis mechanism of rice false smut are rare. In recent years, with the hybrid japonica rice, susceptible variety promotion, raise the level of soil fertility, resulting Rice false smut of size and incidence of disease has increased in some areas and even caused serious economic losses. Thus Rice false smut has become an important rice food security. The genetic diversity and population structure of 81 strains of U. virens collected from different rice were assessed with RAPD (Random ampified polymorphic DNA). A total of 84 bands were amplified with 10 primers from 81 random primers. The preliminary RAPD analysis showed that the genetic diversity of U. virens was not significant. More strains rain s from different fields in different years will be needed in further study to understand the population structure and genetic relation ship of this pathogen in Zhejiang.

Key words: Rice false smut; Ustilaginoidea virens; RAPD; population structure

目 录




1. 绪论1

1.1 稻曲病的研究现状几其问题1

1.2 病原菌的命名与分类2

1.3 稻曲病菌的生物学3

1.3.1 形态特征3

1.4 稻曲病菌分离与培养3

1.5 稻曲病的发病规律3

1.6 水稻稻曲病的致病分子机理4

1.7 稻曲病的防治5

1.8 稻曲病研究有待解决的问题6

2. 实验部分7

2.1 材料7

2.2 方法8

3. 结果与讨论12

3.1 菌株分离与鉴定12

3.2 引物筛选和RAPD 扩增反应的结果12

3.3 引物筛选和RAPD 扩增反应的分析15

3.4 讨论 16

4. 总结与展望18


