

论文编号:YY258 字数:5155.页数:17,有开题报告,任务书,文献综述,外文翻译译文

Practical Significance of Naturalism in Walden

Abstract: Many researchers approach Henry David Thoreau’s Walden from an ecocritical perspective. This article analyzes Walden to show the significance of naturalism under the condition of natural and social environment today. Firstly, it gives a brief introduction to the background and purpose of the study on Walden. Then it enumerates the reflection of naturalism in the book which combines with the definition and features of naturalism. The feasibility of naturalism is proved by the influence of Walden in history. The following part focuses on the necessity and significance of naturalism by means of stating the deteriorated condition of today’s world. It finally elaborates the theme of essay.
Key words: naturalism; significance; Walden; Thoreau



目 录
1. Introduction1
2. Definition and features of naturalism2
3. On Walden3
3.1 Background of the writing3
3.1.1 Politics3
3.1.2 Economy3
3.1.3 Culture3
3.2 Naturalism in Walden4
3.2.1 Simple Life4
3.2.2 Guileless Records4
3.2.3 Society in Nature4
3.3 Influence of Walden in the History5
4. Practical Significance of Naturalism in Walden6
4.1 Situations Nowadays6
4.1.1 Natural Situation6
4.1.2 Social Situation7
4.2 Necessity and Feasibility of Naturalism8
5. Conclusion9
Works Cited11
