

论文编号:YY405 论文字数:6226.页数:18

Abstract: Nowadays, the mutual communication between Chinese people and English people has become more and more frequent. It is important for both peoples to know not only what utterance is preferred but also what utterance is forbidden in cross-cultural communication. Taboo is a common linguistic phenomenon both in Chinese and English. This essay introduces the source of taboo, the definition of taboo, and then compares the difference and similarities of language taboo between English and Chinese from the perspectives of cultural differences. The main purpose is to help people have a better understanding of linguistic taboo and develop a clearer awareness of avoiding taboo words in communication, thus enhancing their cross-cultural communicative competence.
Key Words: taboo; definition; similarity; difference

摘 要:现在,中英两国人民之间的相互交流变得越来越频繁。对中英两国人民来说在跨文化交际中不仅要知道讲什么话是首选,而且了解哪些话是被禁忌的是十分重要的。禁忌语是中英文化中一个很普通的语言现象。这篇文章介绍了禁忌语的起源和禁忌语的定义,也从文化差异这个角度比较了中英禁忌语的不同点和相同点。主要的目的使人们对语言禁忌有更好的了解,并且在交流中能够建立更高的警觉性避免使用禁忌语,然后提高他们的跨文化交际能力。


1. Definition of Taboo1
1.1 Definition of Taboo1
1.2 Differences between Taboo and Euphemism2
2. Similar taboos in English and Chinese3
2.1 Religion and God3
2.2 Sex4
2.3 Secretions and Excretions5
2.4 Disease and Death6
2.5 Social Status8
2.6 Privacy on Income and Weight9
3. Different taboos in English and Chinese10
3.1 Political Opinion10
3.2 Privacy on Age and Marriage11
3.3 Names11
4. Conclusion13
