

论文编号:YY370 论文字数:10134.页数:29 ,附开题报告



Characterization of Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice

Jane Austen is good at writing about her understanding and creation of characters with development of courtship and marriage and she creates the main characters in the process of changes of plot. The ideal match between Elizabeth and Darcy in Pride and Prejudice is thread which leads us to Darcy’s changes of behaviors and his true characters.
Pride can stands for self-respect and dignity. Pride also can be understood as one’s excessive self-opinion. Darcy’s pride fits the latter explanation. He has the right to be proud but later, he realizes his defects and makes an effort to overcome his pride, learn respect and take his responsibility. The changes of his opinions and behaviors have proved the process of his self-achievement. The author designs unpredictable plot to portrait Darcy’s character and personality.
Pride is one of the most obvious characters of Mr. Darcy. His pride result in prejudice, misunderstanding and argument; alteration of his pride brings about genuineness, respect and happiness. A series of changes of Darcy’s attitude to Elizabeth is the process of Austen’s characterization. The author implies his character in his alterations and the changes around him.
Darcy chooses to improve himself and get rid of the influence of pride and prejudice. He is brave and determined. Even though it has been almost two hundred years since the publication of the novel, the author still sets up an example to follow. From Darcy’s mistake and his success of marriage people in modern society should learn a lesson and take full advantage of the inspiration of the classic novel. Although today, China is no longer under control of federal governors, people still care too much about wealth and power, and even the younger generation has been influenced by parents and public media. With the development of economy, there has existed prejudice among cities of different development standards. Readers should learn from the characters and come up with advices to make a better world.
This thesis mainly analyzes the process of characterization according to the plots development, connected with the background of wealth and marriage in Austen’s times. It also pays a great deal of attention to the significance of reality. It is expected to It is expected to help readers contemplate human’s good qualities and to give some suggestions in nowadays society.
Keywords: characterization, changes, pride, reality


1. Panoramic View of Austen’s Time and Literary Criticism2
1.1 Background 2
1.1.1 Social Background2
1.1.2 Women’s Position in Society2
1.2 Overview of Literary Criticism3
1.3 Characterization4
2. Changes of Darcy’s Behaviors6
2.1 In the Meryton Assembly——First Impression6
2.2 In the Netherfield Park——Attraction8
2.3 In Rosings Park——Proposal of Marriage9
2.4 In Pemberley——Great Changes11
2.5 In London——Responsibility12
2.6 In Hertfordshire——Success of Marriage13
3. Mr. Darcy’s Pride14
3.1 Reasons of Darcy’s Pride14
3.2 Reflection to Darcy’s Pride15
3.3 The Result of Darcy’s Pride16
4. Representation of Significance in Reality18
4.1 Reflection on Pride in Reality18
4.2 Reflection on marriage in Reality19
4.3 Reflection on Judgment in Reality20
